[Majorityrights News] KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration Posted by Guessedworker on Sunday, 05 January 2025 00:35.
[Majorityrights News] Trump will ‘arm Ukraine to the teeth’ if Putin won’t negotiate ceasefire Posted by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 12 November 2024 16:20.
[Majorityrights News] Alex Navalny, born 4th June, 1976; died at Yamalo-Nenets penitentiary 16th February, 2024 Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 16 February 2024 23:43.
The business world has undergone considerable change in the last two decades.
While some fortunes are always reliably passed on to their respective heirs and heiresses, Visual Capitalist’s Jeff Desjardinsnotes that there are also entirely new industries that rise out of nowhere to shape the landscape of global wealth.
As the wealth landscape shifts, so does its geographical distribution.
Bezos is just one of 21 Americans that find themselves in the top 50 list, which means that 42% of the world’s top billionaires hail from the United States.
Billionaire Geography Over Time
If we compare the top 50 list to that from 1999, it’s interesting to see what has changed over time in terms of geographical distribution. Here’s the distribution of top countries on both lists, compared:
In the last 20 years, Russia and China have stockpiled the most top billionaires, adding five and four to the top 50 list respectively. The United States added three, going from 18 to 21 billionaires over the timeframe. On the other end of the spectrum, Germany, Sweden, and Switzerland have lost the most billionaires from the top 50 ranking.
Let the record show - 1:38:19 - (((Luke Ford))) favors eugenics to the point of sterilization of people with I.Q.s under 100.
Given that all European countries have I.Q.‘s around 100, a few barely over 100, if at all, and most a little below 100, he is talking about sterilizing at least half the native European population. Apparently, your daughter with an I.Q. of 99 should have her tubes tied….
Keep talking Luke, lets have more light to the goyim from your shining hill.
“Mel Hall loved sex. Sex is what drove him,” said McMillan. According to a high school teammate, Hall impregnated two girls by the time he was a high school senior. The best guess of Texas authorities for the number of children he eventually sired is eight.
The first time Hall had sex with Jennifer, her father was asleep on the sofa several feet away. After it was over, the 15-year-old cried. Decades later, she testified that Hall told her it was OK because he would marry her once she turned 18.
The photo of Mel Hall and Jennifer at her high school prom, which appeared in the 1991 Yankees team yearbook.
She is now 40. Through all the years, as she steered her life from a subject of gawking into a remarkably conventional version of suburban motherhood, she kept it all: The photos, the love letters, the apology letters, the jewelry receipts. She needed proof. It was such a bizarre story that nobody would believe her otherwise. Sometimes it’s still hard for her to believe herself. Everything happened so fast, and she had so little control over how it unfolded.
After the Friday night game in which Hall had amazed the Diaz family by tapping his bat three times on the plate, he called the house and spoke to Jennifer’s mother. He told her that despite his fame and wealth, he felt overwhelmed and alone in New York, in need of a family. Jennifer’s mother always had a soft spot for strays — she “loved the unlovables,” as Jennifer put it in a recent interview — and Hall had a manipulator’s ability to tell people what they wanted to hear. The two hit it off and talked for hours. By the end of the conversation, Hall was calling her “Mother.”
He invited the family to Yankee Stadium the next day for the Saturday night game. He gave them box seats, Yankees jackets, and the signed baseball that Jennifer had asked for in her fateful letter weeks ago. Nobody thought too much about what Hall’s angle was, because thinking too much would have ruined the rapidly evolving fantasy. But Jennifer’s father, likely sensing that Hall might be interested in his daughter, cautioned Hall upon meeting him at the stadium that his daughter was only 15.
“Keep drinking your milk, kid,” Hall quipped. Everyone laughed, the potential uneasiness of the situation diffused by humor.
The following day, a Sunday, Hall found time to speak at length again to Jennifer’s mother, and the two arranged that he would come over to the house in Fairfield, Conn., later that evening. Fairfield is a well-to-do New York City suburb, but Jennifer says her family was at the bottom rung of the town’s economic hierarchy: Her mother ran a daycare business out of the house, and her father was a contractor. When Hall pulled up to the Diaz home in a limo, the family was so impressed that they took pictures of his arrival.
That particular day had been rough for Jennifer: She had gone to the beach with her friends and told them about what had transpired with Hall, but, not without a little envy, her friends had made fun of her. When Hall arrived, he said he had come because he heard she was upset. He said he would protect her, and that destiny had brought them into each other’s lives. And, only a day after meeting her in person, he told her that he loved her.
Jennifer poses with the Chevy Cavalier that Mel Hall gave her.
For the rest of the week he came over every night after the game, fantasizing to Jennifer way past midnight about their future together. Before she knew it, before anyone had asked her how she felt about it, he had moved into her family’s home. Yes, Mel Hall, a major league baseball player, was coming home after every game and sleeping on the living room floor of a suburban family whose 15-year-old daughter he had just met and with whom he now claimed to be in love.
That same week, he bought Jennifer a red Chevy Cavalier convertible — despite the fact that she was too young to have a driver’s license. Gifts came pouring in to her family as well. Tickets to every Yankees game for the whole clan — Jennifer’s attendance was mandatory — and transportation via limo. A Corvette convertible for her father. One morning, bulldozers showed up at their home to start digging an in-ground pool. If Hall wanted to buy his way through life, as his bodyguard McMillan suggested, he was certainly buying his way into the Diaz’s hearts.
Mel Hall was teammates with Luis Polonia on the Yankees in 1989 when Polonia was charged for bringing a 15 year old (blond) girl into a Milwaukee hotel room with him for sex. Polonia claimed he “did nothing wrong.” When the Milwaukee Brewers sent a message, having their pitcher give Polonia some “chin music” (throwing at him), Hall charged the pitcher for a bench clearing brawl. Though I was a long time Yankees fan, I stopped being a Yankees fan or a baseball fan altogether at that point. What made it most sickening was the way baseball soft peddled these issues - the Yankees even took Polonia back after he had been traded away. Hall’s prom date(!) picture with Diaz was featured in the Yankees Yearbook. Perhaps more dismaying still was the reaction (or lack thereof) from Whites in general. Even my older brother said (with a laugh), “if he hits well, he can have a harem of them.”
I can’t repeat what I said to my older brother in response.
MILWAUKEE—California Angels outfielder Luis Polonia has settled a lawsuit with a Milwaukee young woman who sued him after the two had sex at a hotel room when she was 15, the woman’s lawyer said Monday.
Polonia, who was with the New York Yankees during the 1989 incident, took the girl to the Pfister Hotel in 1989 after a game with the Milwaukee Brewers.
He claimed she consented to sexual intercourse and that she told him she was 19 and had had sex before with several baseball players. The woman’s lawyer, James Murphy, said she was a virgin, ‘particularly naive and vulnerable and was led to believe that Polonia’s attentions were virtuous and honorable.’
Murphy said the lawsuit was settled over the weekend. He declined to name the amount of the settlement, but said it was ‘very substantial and would cause Polonia to think twice about using his celebrity status to prey upon underage females who tend to look up to and admire professional athletes.’
Murphy said the settlement would pay for psychological therapy for his client and provide for her future education.
Polonia was criminally charged in the incident and pleaded no contest to sexual intercourse with a child. He was sentenced to 60 days in jail, fined $1,500 and ordered to pay $10,000 to the Sexual Assault Treatment Center at Sinai Samaritan Medical Center. Polonia agreed in January to a $2.4 million, one-year contract with the Angels.
Former Yankees outfielder Mel Hall has been charged with sexually assaulting two girls in 1998 and 1999 when he was coaching them on a select basketball team.
The 46-year-old Hall was released from jail Friday on $35,000 bail. He was arrested the previous day on charges of sexual assault of a child under 17 and aggravated sexual assault of a child under 14, police said yesterday. The second charge carries a possible life sentence because of the age of the alleged victim.
When Hall was arrested, there was also an unrelated outstanding warrant on a theft charge, police said.
When Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini spoke at a press conference at Lega’s historic headquarters at Via Bellerio 41 in Milan he was radiant with joy. His party tripled its number of votes in the regional elections in Basilicata (in just one year, it grew from 6.2% to 19%).
In a short interview Sputnik News asked Salvini about his predictions for the elections to the European Parliament, about how he and Lega see the fate of Europe, given that, according to the recently presented Confcommercio Report, Italy is the most “Eurosceptical” country, along with the Czech Republic, and is seemingly ready for an “Italexit”.
“Neither I, nor our government, has any plans to leave the European Union, but there is a conviction that it is necessary to change its laws and regulations in order to remain a member of the European community with a sense of self-respect and dignity”, Salvini said.
“Obviously, the reality is stronger than propaganda. You can hang EU flags on the balconies, but what kind of Europe is that?”
“One that with the Bolkestein directive (the Internal Market Directive 2006/123/EC on the laws of the single market) jeopardises 300,000 jobs, and with the European standards for agriculture and fishery – millions of jobs?”
“One that is imposed on us by the Fornero law (2011 pension law, extremely unpopular in Italy), one that tells us that Italy cannot reduce taxes, one that did nothing to help us with the migration issue?”, he continued.
“I recall that Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has asked for a review of the existing norms established in the Dublin Regulation on the distribution of migrants since June last year – and nothing…”
“Therefore, Italians, as the EU continues hitting them on the head, are asking themselves: “Why do we have to keep on paying for all this?””
“My main goal is to save Europe, a renewed Europe, and Lega will do that.”
“We are being called Eurosceptics, sovereigntists, populists, Nazis, fascists, racists, xenophobes, homophobes, and so on and so forth.”
“But it is we who will pour healthy blood into Europe’s arteries again.”
“Today, I have scheduled the first week of April for the first public conference to discuss what our idea of Europe is for the next 40 years. We will discuss these ideas with those of our allies with whom we plan to meet in Parliament in Brussels in July”, he concluded.
DAILYKENN.com —Seriously? Is Jon Snow unaware that Britain was totally white for millennia? That homogeneity was the norm until our generation?
The Channel4 news anchor went on a rant during a Brexit rally on the day that the United Kingsom was scheduled to leave the European Union. Britons voted in 2016 to part ways with the globalist union, but politicians have refused to honor the very democratic government that placed them in office.
The Channel 4 News broadcaster, 71, made the comment after seeing images of Brexiteers demonstrating outside Downing Street.
Jon Snow made the controversial observation during live coverage of the pro-Brexit protest in Westminster this evening.
Protesters outside the gates of Downing Street this evening - after Nigel Farage and Tommy Robinson spoke to the crowds earlier in the day
Thousands of people turned out to march on Westminster this afternoon on the day that the UK was supposed to leave the EU.
So far, five arrests have been made around Whitehall where marchers have been singing Land of Hope and Glory and waving Union Jacks throughout the day.
But as Snow spoke over images of the protesters near No 10, he made a comment about the race of protesters.
Speaking live from Parliament Square, he said: “We’ve just got these pictures in which were taken nearby.
“Police are now wearing riot gear. Police dogs are patrolling. The mood has changed.
“We cannot confirm whether any arrests have been made.
“It has been the most extraordinary day. A day which has seen… I’ve never seen so many white people in one place.
“It’s an extraordinary story — there are people everywhere, there are crowds everywhere.”
Clips of Snow’s comment were shared online triggering a backlash from social media users.
One said: “What a stupid comment.
“You’re literally looking to vilify anyone that you don’t agree with and make out this is about or race or something.
“Poor journalism, very poor.”
Diana Harding added: “I cannot believe I have just heard this! Channel 4 News and Jon Snow sink to a new low!”
And another tweeted: “Has he never watched an FA cup final at Wembley, or gone to Glastonbury? Seeing as he lives in a country which is majority white people, seems like something he would [have] seen in his decades of life.”
@jonsnowC4 closing remarks on @Channel4News tonight, as mob assembles outside @10DowningStreet, “I’ve never seen so many white people in one place.” #c4news #BrexitShambles
Dear Friends in Stockholm, Turku, and around the world,
I am sorry to have to tell you that I cannot attend the Scandza Forum in Stockholm or the Awakening Conference in Turku, Finland, where I had been invited to give talks. Today, when I landed in Zurich for a connecting flight to Stockholm, Swiss border authorities told me I have been banned from Europe until 2021. I will spend the night at the airport, and tomorrow I will be deported.
The officer at passport control in Zurich airport had already stamped my passport and waved me through to my Stockholm flight when she called after me to come back. She stared at her computer screen and told me I had to wait. She didn’t say why. In a few minutes, a policeman arrived and told me there was an order from Poland that barred me from all 26 countries in the Schengen Zone.
He said the Poles did not give a reason for the ban, and he asked me what I had done. I said I give talks on immigration, and someone in Poland must not like them. “That makes me a political criminal,” I said.
The officer took me to an interrogation room and asked me about my travel plans. He went off to another room for a while and came back with a form for me to sign, saying that I understood I had been denied entry and was being sent back to the United States. After some more waiting, he fingerprinted me and took my photograph.
He then turned me over to a man in civilian clothes, who took me to a spare, dormitory-like accommodation where I will spend the night. It’s not a jail. People pay the equivalent of $40 to spend the night here if they miss a flight. I am free to walk around the terminal, I can make phone calls and use the internet, and I have a meal voucher that is supposed to last me for the next 12 hours. The officer kept my passport, though, and won’t give it back to me until I board the flight home.
Why did Poland ban me? Last September, I gave a few talks to nationalist groups in Warsaw. The talks went well, so when I was invited to Lithuania and Estonia in February to speak at conferences, I went back to Poland and spoke in Lublin and Warsaw. Attendance was by invitation only, but the Polish police learned about the meetings. They told the organizer that if I broke any Polish hate speech laws, he would be held responsible. They said I was “spreading a totalitarian ideology.”
In both cities, we switched venues for the talks rather than risk having the police show up. The talks were a success, and in Warsaw I also gave two television interviews. I left Poland by plane and assumed the matter was closed; clearly, it wasn’t. My Polish friends say they will try to find out the reason for the ban and try to appeal it.
But what are the Poles thinking? I’m not like Lenin and Trotsky meeting in Paris, plotting to uproot the entire West. I want to keep Poland as it is, the proud and eternal homeland of the Polish people. What I hope for Poland is what a huge majority of Polish people want, and is not much different from the policies of the regime. I am not a danger to Poland; I am its friend, its devoted admirer.
Three years ago, I got a letter from Theresa May, when she was still home secretary. She told me that my views are repugnant and that she had decided to keep me out of her country. Britain is the land of my ancestors, my language, my favorite authors—and now I was an exile. It was a bitter blow.
Just a few minutes ago, I used my meal voucher at the “Montreux Jazz Lounge” in Terminal E. I watched people eating and talking and laughing, and I envied them. They can come and go as they please. Terminal E is a modern, soulless place, but it is still Europe. It is part of that culture, heritage, and people that I love with a desperate, yearning love—to which I have devoted my life—and from which I am banned.
You and I, working together with our European brothers and sisters, we will save Europe. We will save it from every threat from every corner of the world. But our first and hardest task is to save it from itself.